Shower Caulking

Shower Caulking Services in Melbourne

At Swift Property Solutions, we offer professional shower caulking services for commercial and residential clients across Melbourne. We can provide caulking services on their own or as part of our builders clean or post-renovation cleaning services.  

Proper caulking is an integral part of waterproofing any shower space. It seals up cracks and gaps improving the appearance of shower spaces and reinforcing the structural integrity of the construction. Shower caulking also helps to prevent leaks and significantly reduces the risk of water and moisture damage, while preventing the growth of mould and mildew in wet areas. 

Whether you’re wrapping up a new build or a bathroom renovation, or just doing some shower repairs, we offer professional shower and bathroom caulking services designed to stand the test of time.

Gap & Crack Identification

Our experienced team can inspect your shower and bathroom to identify any gaps, cracks or potential risk areas. Identifying and assessing these vulnerable areas is the important first step in properly caulking any wet area.

Expert Bathroom Caulking
Caulking services Melbourne

Quality Sealants

On every project we use the finest quality caulking products. Each product is chosen to specifically suit the surfaces and materials and deliver superior performance. Our selection includes silicone, acrylic, polyurethane, and other high-performance caulks that provide long-lasting results.

Professional Application

When it comes to caulking, surface preparation and expert application are everything. Our team will assess the cracks and gaps, as well as the surfaces, and provide the necessary surface preparation. By professionally applying the sealant, we ensure consistent thickness and straight lines, delivering maximum protection and a great looking finish.

Professional Caulking Melbourne
Builders Clean Melbourne

Complete Builders Cleaning Services

At Swift Property Solutions, we provide comprehensive post-renovation and builders cleaning services for clients across Melbourne. From debris removal and surface sanitising to window cleaning and dust elimination, we can ensure your property is spotless and ready for the next phase of work.

We work on commercial, residential and industrial construction and renovation sites across Melbourne.

Contact Us Today

To find out more about any of our services, discuss your requirements or find out about pricing, give us a call today on 0472 655 186 or contact us online.